Bob Chamberland and the home construction crew are making great progress with laying the block for the 1st home and should have that project completed by week's end.
Massey Reclamation has completed the hydroseeding of the area around the dam and the rye grass has already spouted along the backside of the dam.
Bob's foreman on the road construction crew, Richard Persinger, is working on the mountain top repairing a slip in the road and they are getting along very well with that project.
Mr. Persinger and crew just finished the construction of the new wetlands area below the dam last week and Massey seeded it down with a special mixture of sedges, rushes and other wetland species in time to catch the spring growing season.
Dowdy Road and Field Service was on hand to repair a problem with the Komatsu dozer.
The lake can now be seen in the long view from Lot 14 which is very exciting.
- Richard Grist